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Share Your Little Win

Welcome to my Share Your Little Win Page!

Have you worked with my Intuitive Emotional Healing framework and experienced a little win as a result? A better outcome in a conversation? The courage to make the most honoring decision for yourself even when it was really difficult? Overcoming a trauma? Setting a boundary you'd never been willing to set before? Finally forgiving yourself for something you'd been holding for a long time? You get the idea...

If so, I would love to hear about it! Below you'll find a form with some questions about your experience as well as a place where you can decide how you'd like to sign it to honor your level of anonymity or credit. 

These little wins will be used as encouraging examples for new students in this work in courses I write, workshops I offer, and even at times social media. 

Why are your little win stories so valuable?
Because humans are wired for connection, and when we hear other peoples' stories, they give us a roadmap to see how we can do the same, they give us hope that maybe we can achieve something similar for ourselves, and they let us know we aren't alone in our humanness! So in sharing your story, you're offering healing to others who could really use it as they deepen their emotional healing journey.

Share Your Little Win

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